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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Adorable blue eyes kitty in jeans

Adorable blue eyes kitty in je...

Running shot of an adorable cute puppy

Running shot of an adorable cute pu...

Little cute kitty playing with walnuts

Little cute kitty playing with waln...

Adorable little cute kitty with beautiful eyes

Adorable little cute kitty with beautiful e...

Hairy Old English sheepdog

 Hairy Old English sheepdog    :-  The Old English Sheepdog (OES) is a large breed of dog which was developed in England from early herding types of dog. The Old English Sheepdog can grow a very long coat, with fur covering the face and eyes. Obsolete names of the breed include Shepherd's Dog and bob-tailed sheep-dog. It is still nicknamed Bob-tail (or Bobtail) because historically, the tail was traditionally docked...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gorgeous look of the great dane

Gorgeous look of the great dane    :-    The Great Dane, also denoted as Grand Danois, is a German breed of domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) known for its giant size. The name of the breed in Germany is Deutsche Dogge (German Mastiff).The Great Dane is one of the world's tallest dog breeds; the current world record holder, measuring 112 cm (44 in) from paw to shoulder, is "Zeus".     The Great Dane...

Little white cute kitty in joggers

Little white cute kitty in jogg...

Adorable long haired rough collie dog

Adorable long haired rough collie dog     :-   The Rough Collie (also known as the 'Long-Haired Collie') is a long coated breed of medium to large size dog that in its original form was a type of collie used and bred for herding in Scotland. Originating in the 1800s, it is now well known through the works of author Albert Payson Terhune, and through the Lassie novel, movies, and television shows. There is also a smooth-coated...

Adorable cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Adorable cute Cavalier King Charles Span...

Adorable cute little white kitty

Adorable cute little white ki...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Adorable cute cavalier king charles spaniel

Adorable cute cavalier king charles spaniel   :- The breed is highly affectionate, playful, extremely patient and eager to please. As such, dogs of the breed are good with children and other dogs. Cavaliers are not shy about socialising with much larger dogs. They will adapt quickly to almost any environment, family, and location. Their ability to bond with larger and smaller dogs makes them ideal in houses with more than one breed...

Adorable cute Boston terrier

Adorable cute Boston terr...

Unique African wild dog pups

Unique African wild dog pups  (Lycaon pictus) :- Lycaon pictus is a canid found only in Africa, especially in savannas and lightly wooded areas. It is variously called the African wild dog, African hunting dog, Cape hunting dog, painted dog, painted wolf, painted hunting dog, spotted dog, or ornate wolf.The scientific name "Lycaon pictus" is derived from the Greek for "wolf" and the Latin for "painted". It is the only canid species to lack dewclaws...

Adorable beautiful cat sitting in grass field

Adorable beautiful cat sitting in grass fi...

Adorable cute little puppy

Adorable cute little puppy ...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Adorable cute saint bernard puppy

Adorable cute saint bernard puppy The St. Bernard is a giant dog. The average weight of the breed is between 140 and 264 lb (64–120 kg) or more and the approximate height at the withers is 27½ inches to 35½ inches (70 to 90 cm). The coat can be either smooth or rough, with the smooth coat close and flat. The rough coat is dense but flat, and more profuse around the neck and legs....

English bulldog in black dress and glasses

English bulldog in black dress and glas...

Cute little puppy in a winter costume

Cute little puppy in a winter cost...

Adorable cute black french bulldog

Adorable cute black french bulldog...

Cute lab sitting on chair in golden autumn

Cute lab sitting on chair in golden aut...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beautiful jump of a cute cat

Beautiful jump of a cute ...

Cute little kitties with heart

Cute little kitties with he...

Adorable Cute Bernese Mountain Dog puppy

Adorable Cute Bernese Mountain Dog puppy The breed standard for the Bernese Mountain Dog states that dogs should not be "aggressive, anxious or distinctly shy," but rather should be "good-natured", "self-assured", "placid towards strangers", and "docile". Temperament of individual dogs may vary, and not all examples of the breed have been carefully bred to follow the Standard. All large breed dogs should be well socialized when they are puppies, and...

Cute Australian Shepherd showing his tongue

Cute Australian Shepherd showing his tongue   :-    The Australian shepherd, commonly known as an Aussie, is a breed of dog that was developed on ranches in the western United States. Despite its name, the breed was not developed in Australia, but rather in the United States where they were seen in the West as early as the 1800s. The breed rose gradually in popularity with the boom of western riding after World War I....

Gorgeous Black Wolf hybrid dog with her master

Gorgeous Black Wolf hybrid dog with her master   :- Wolf-dog hybrids are a mixture of genetic traits, which results in less predictable behavior patterns compared to either the wolf or dog. The adult behavior of hybrid pups also cannot be predicted with comparable certainty to dog pups, even in third-generation pups produced by wolfdog matings with dogs or from the behavior of the parent animals. Thus, though the behavior of a single individual...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Adorable cute white fluffy puppy

Adorable cute white fluffy pu...

Mother dog sitting with her cute puppies

Mother dog sitting with her cute pupp...

Mother cat taking little baby kitten for shopping

Mother cat taking little baby kitten for shopp...

Cute Morkie puppy ready for party

Cute Morkie puppy ready for pa...

Cute little kitties feeding milk from feeder

Cute little kitties feeding milk from fee...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cute Chow Chow puppy

Cute Chow Chow puppy Chows are the only breed with a bluish black tongue. It's country of origin is china. It has almost straight hind legs. It's eyes are very deep and dark in color. This Chows are polite and well mannered dog. They are very loyal to their master and also behave very good with children. Their heights are about 18 to 22 inches which is equal to about 46 to 56cm. Their weights are about 45 to 70 pounds which is equal to...

Beautiful black cat looking so cutely

Beautiful black cat looking so cut...

Cute kitty love books

Cute kitty love bo...

Cat hugs a puppy

Cat hugs a pu...

Cute little puppy with toy bone

Cute little puppy with toy b...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Puppy and mother dog on beach

Puppy and mother dog on be...

Cute kitty looking upward

Cute kitty looking upw...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Adorable black labrador

Adorable black labrador The Labrador Retriever (simply Labrador, or Lab for short) is one of several kinds of retriever, a type of gun dog. Even-tempered and well-behaved around young children and the elderly, Labradors are athletic and playful, and are the most popular breed of dog by registered ownership in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States (since 1991). A favorite assistance dog breed in these and other...

Adorable cute Japanese Spitz

Adorable cute Japanese Spitz The Japanese Spitz is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz type. The Japanese Spitz is a companion dog and pet. There are varying standards around the world as to the ideal size of the breed, but they are always larger than their smaller cousins, the Pomeranian. They were developed in Japan in the 1920s and 30s by breeding a number of other Spitz type dog breeds together. They are recognized by the vast majority...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Running view of Boxer dog

Running view of Boxer dog A Boxer is a breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dogs bred in Germany. Their coat is smooth and tight-fitting; colors are fawn or brindled, with or without white markings, which may cover the entire body. Boxers are brachycephalic (they have broad, short skulls), and have a square muzzle, mandibular prognathism (an underbite), very strong jaws, and a powerful bite ideal for hanging on to large prey. The Boxer...

Cute cat wearing glasses

Cute cat wearing glas...

Gorgeous green eyes cat

Gorgeous green eyes ...

Cute kitty looking for food

Cute kitty looking for f...

Adorable Boston Terrier dog

Adorable Boston Terrier dog The Boston Terrier is a breed of dog originating in the United States of America. This "American Gentleman" was accepted in 1893 by the American Kennel Club as a non-sporting breed. Color and markings are important when distinguishing this breed to the AKC standard. They should be either black, brindle or seal with white markings. Bostons are small and compact with a short tail and erect ears.The AKC says they are...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cute white Turkish Angora or Ankara cat

Cute white Turkish Angora or Ankara cat Like all domestic cats, Turkish Angoras descended from the African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica). The Fertile Crescent was a place where cats were first domesticated. Cats from eastern mountainous regions of early Anatolia and through inbreeding and natural selection, developed into longhaired breeds like the Turkish Van and the Turkish Angor...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Adorable black and white border collie

Adorable black and white border collie The Border Collie is a herding dog breed developed in the Anglo-Scottish border region for herding livestock, especially sheep.Border Collies require considerable daily physical exercise and mental stimulation.The Border Collie is an intelligent breed; in fact, it is widely considered to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Although the primary role of the Border Collie is that of the working stock...

Gorgeous black German Shepherd

Gorgeous black German Shepherd The German Shepherd is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in Germany. German Shepherds are a relatively new breed of dog, with their origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, German Shepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding and guarding sheep. Since that time, however, because of their strength, intelligence, trainability, and obedience, German Shepherds around the world...

Maltese cute puppies running

Maltese cute puppies running The Maltese is a small breed of dog in the Toy Group. It descends from dogs originating in the Central Mediterranean Area. The breed name and origins are generally understood to derive from the Mediterranean island nation of Malta; however, the name is sometimes described with reference to the distinct Adriatic island of Mljet, or a defunct Maltese town called Melita. The Maltese had been recognized as a FCI breed...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Adorable blue eyes cute puppy

Adorable blue eyes cute pu...

Kitty kissing her friend puppy

Kitty kissing her friend pu...


A cute Husky dog wearing a glasess A laughing cat Adorable and cute dog Adorable and Rare Snowshoe Cat Adorable Chimera Cat Adorable dog Adorable Great Pyrenees Dog Adorable kitty Adorable monkey Adorable Norwegian Forest Cat Adorable Pomsky Adorable puppies Adorable Puppys Adorable Samoyed Adorable Somali Adorable somali cat Afghan Hound African wild dog Airbud Akita (American Akita) Akita hunting dog Alaskan klee kai Alaskan klee kai dog Alaskan Malamute Alaskan Malamute dog American Bobtail Cat American Curl Cat Personality American Pit Bull American Staffordshire Terrier Amzing click of cat Australian Kelpie Australian shepherd Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher Awesome bunny Awesome Click of Somali cat Awesome dog Basenji Basset Hound dog Beagle Dog Beagle puppie Bears Beautifl click of cat Beautiful Albino Whitetail Deer beautiful cat Beautiful cat with blue eyes Beautiful pets Beautiful puppy in happy mood beautifull and cute kittie Beautifull deers Bengal cat Berger Picard Bernese Mountain Dog Bernese Mountain Dogs Beteagle Dog Bichon Frise Biewer Black footed cat black russian terrier Black Wolf hybrid dog Black wolf scary Bobcat Border Collie borzoi Boston Terrier Boxer Dog British Shorthair cat Bull Terrier Bulldog Burmese Cardigan Welsh Corgi cat Cat lovers Cats Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cedar Waxwing Chihuahua Chow Chow cocacola dog Collie Collie dog Corgi Corgi Puppies Couple of gorgeous dogs Cute and amazing dog puppy Cute and Beautiful Cute Birman Cat cute bunny Cute cat cute cats Cute dog playing with rope Cute Dogs Cute Hamster Cute husky dog Cute kiittens fighting for milks Cute kitty Cute kitty And dog playing Cute Manx cat Cute mouse Cute puppy in a stunning click Cute puppy hug to dog Cute puppy sitting on ice Cute rabbits Cute Ragdoll Cute Shih Tzu Puppie Cute sunda flying lemur Cute thai cats jumps Cute wild cats Dachshund Dog Dalmatian dog Dober man Pinschers Dobermans dog Dogo Argentino Dogs English Mastiff eurasier dog exotics Shorthair Fennec Fox French Bulldog Funny Dogs gargious couple of puppies German Shepherd giant panda Golden Retriever Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey Great Pyrenees dog Greenland Dog Grey And White Bunny Horse Huge cats fighting huskys Ibizan italian greyhound Jack Russell Terrier Japanese Bobtail Japanese Spitz keeshond koala Komondor Labrador retriever Lancashire Heeler leopard Lusitano Maine Coon Cat Maltese Maltese Dog Mama Tiger With Babies Maned wolf Norwegian Forest Cat Old English Sheepdog Oriental Shorthair Other Animals Owel sitting on the ice tree Papillion Peafowl Persian Cats Pink fairy armadillo Pointer Police dog Pomeranian dog Raccoon dog Ragdoll Ragdoll Cat Rough collie Russian Blue Saint Bernard Puppy Samoyed Dog Samoyed Puppies Scottish fold Selkirk Rex Shar Pei dog Shetland Sheepdog Siamese Siamese cat Siberian Husky sleepy dog Snow leopard So cute kitty Sonow bunny St. Bernard Staffordshire Bull Terrier Swedish Vallhund Sweet dog sitting on the grass The American Shorthair The Great Dane Tibetan Mastiff Toy American Eskimo Dog Toy Fox Terrier Turkish Angora or Ankara Cat Turkish Van Cat two cute kitties playin on tree Welsh Springer Spaniel White Furry Turkish Angora Cats Xoloitzcuintle Yoda cat Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Dogs