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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cute kitties helping and playing

Cute kitties helping and play...

Adorable blue eye black kitty in snow

Adorable blue eye black kitty in s...

Adorable cute brown puppy sitting

Adorable cute brown puppy sitt...

Cute cat wearing half sleeve sweater

Cute cat wearing half sleeve swea...

Types and temperament of english cream golden retriever

Types and temperament of english cream golden retriever    :-      The Golden Retriever is a large-sized breed of dog. They were bred as gundogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties, and were named retriever because of their ability to retrieve shot game undamaged. Golden Retrievers have an instinctive love of water, and are easy to train to basic or advanced obedience...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Adorable cute eye little kitty

Adorable cute eye little kitty...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Cutest little kitty hiding under hat

Cutest little kitty hiding under ...

Information about cute Border Collie

Information about cute Border Collie dog    :- Border Collies require considerable daily physical exercise and mental stimulation.The Border Collie is an intelligent breed in fact, it is widely considered to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Although the primary role of the Border Collie is that of the working stock dog, dogs of this breed are becoming increasingly popular as pets. True to their working heritage, Border...

Temperament of lovely French bulldog

Temperament of lovely French bulldog    :- The temperament of French Bulldog is  Lively, Easygoing, Bright, Alert, Patient, Keen, Affectionate, Sociable, Playful and Athletic. They are found in different colors such as  Fawn, White, Brindle & White, Cream, Black Brindle, Tan and Brindle. The origin of French Bull dog England and Fran...

White cute kitty in bath tub

White cute kitty in bath ...

Adorable green eye long hair cat

Adorable green eye long hair ...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Temperament and Behavior of world expensive dog Tibetan Mastiff

Temperament and Behavior of world expensive dog Tibetan Mastiff   :-   As a flock guardian dog in Tibet and in the West, it is tenacious in its ability to confront predators the size of wolves and leopards. As a socialized, more domestic dog, it can thrive in a spacious, fenced yard with a canine companion, but it is generally not an appropriate dog for apartment living. The Western-bred dogs are generally more easy-going, although...

Appearance of world most expensive dog Tibetan Mastiff

Appearance of world most expensive dog Tibetan Mastiff   :-  Currently, some breeders differentiate between two "types" of Tibetan Mastiff, the Do-khyi and the Tsang-khyi. The Tsang-khyi (which, to a Tibetan, means only "dog from Tsang") is also referred to as the "monastery" type, described as generally taller, heavier, and more heavily boned, with more facial wrinkling and haw than the Do-khyi or "nomad" type. Both types are often...

Temperament of Cute British Shorthair cat

Temperament of Cute British Shorthair cat  :-   British Shorthairs are an easygoing breed of cat; they tend to be safe around children as they will tolerate a fair amount of physical interaction and hiss or scratch very rarely. They have a stable character and take well to being kept as indoor-only cats, making them ideal for apartment living. They are not very demanding of attention, though they will let their owner know if they...

Lovely cute blue eyes cat and kitty

Lovely cute blue eyes cat and ki...

Adorable little bull dog puppy learning walking

Adorable little bull dog puppy learning walking   :- Temperament of Bull dog :-   Bulldogs are generally docile and tractable. However, they can move very quickly over short distances. Bulldogs do not need a lot of physical exercise, so they are well-suited for living in apartments and other urban environments. They are friendly and gregarious, but occasionally willful. The phrase "stubborn as a Bulldog" may derive from observing...


A cute Husky dog wearing a glasess A laughing cat Adorable and cute dog Adorable and Rare Snowshoe Cat Adorable Chimera Cat Adorable dog Adorable Great Pyrenees Dog Adorable kitty Adorable monkey Adorable Norwegian Forest Cat Adorable Pomsky Adorable puppies Adorable Puppys Adorable Samoyed Adorable Somali Adorable somali cat Afghan Hound African wild dog Airbud Akita (American Akita) Akita hunting dog Alaskan klee kai Alaskan klee kai dog Alaskan Malamute Alaskan Malamute dog American Bobtail Cat American Curl Cat Personality American Pit Bull American Staffordshire Terrier Amzing click of cat Australian Kelpie Australian shepherd Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher Awesome bunny Awesome Click of Somali cat Awesome dog Basenji Basset Hound dog Beagle Dog Beagle puppie Bears Beautifl click of cat Beautiful Albino Whitetail Deer beautiful cat Beautiful cat with blue eyes Beautiful pets Beautiful puppy in happy mood beautifull and cute kittie Beautifull deers Bengal cat Berger Picard Bernese Mountain Dog Bernese Mountain Dogs Beteagle Dog Bichon Frise Biewer Black footed cat black russian terrier Black Wolf hybrid dog Black wolf scary Bobcat Border Collie borzoi Boston Terrier Boxer Dog British Shorthair cat Bull Terrier Bulldog Burmese Cardigan Welsh Corgi cat Cat lovers Cats Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cedar Waxwing Chihuahua Chow Chow cocacola dog Collie Collie dog Corgi Corgi Puppies Couple of gorgeous dogs Cute and amazing dog puppy Cute and Beautiful Cute Birman Cat cute bunny Cute cat cute cats Cute dog playing with rope Cute Dogs Cute Hamster Cute husky dog Cute kiittens fighting for milks Cute kitty Cute kitty And dog playing Cute Manx cat Cute mouse Cute puppy in a stunning click Cute puppy hug to dog Cute puppy sitting on ice Cute rabbits Cute Ragdoll Cute Shih Tzu Puppie Cute sunda flying lemur Cute thai cats jumps Cute wild cats Dachshund Dog Dalmatian dog Dober man Pinschers Dobermans dog Dogo Argentino Dogs English Mastiff eurasier dog exotics Shorthair Fennec Fox French Bulldog Funny Dogs gargious couple of puppies German Shepherd giant panda Golden Retriever Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey Great Pyrenees dog Greenland Dog Grey And White Bunny Horse Huge cats fighting huskys Ibizan italian greyhound Jack Russell Terrier Japanese Bobtail Japanese Spitz keeshond koala Komondor Labrador retriever Lancashire Heeler leopard Lusitano Maine Coon Cat Maltese Maltese Dog Mama Tiger With Babies Maned wolf Norwegian Forest Cat Old English Sheepdog Oriental Shorthair Other Animals Owel sitting on the ice tree Papillion Peafowl Persian Cats Pink fairy armadillo Pointer Police dog Pomeranian dog Raccoon dog Ragdoll Ragdoll Cat Rough collie Russian Blue Saint Bernard Puppy Samoyed Dog Samoyed Puppies Scottish fold Selkirk Rex Shar Pei dog Shetland Sheepdog Siamese Siamese cat Siberian Husky sleepy dog Snow leopard So cute kitty Sonow bunny St. Bernard Staffordshire Bull Terrier Swedish Vallhund Sweet dog sitting on the grass The American Shorthair The Great Dane Tibetan Mastiff Toy American Eskimo Dog Toy Fox Terrier Turkish Angora or Ankara Cat Turkish Van Cat two cute kitties playin on tree Welsh Springer Spaniel White Furry Turkish Angora Cats Xoloitzcuintle Yoda cat Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Dogs